Covid-19 has torn through the Latinx community
No matter where we live, we are disproportionately impacted. Right now, Latinxs account for much higher number of COVID-19 cases than their percentage of the population in regions across the country, and we're being hit hard economically.
Disproportionate Impact
We make up 28.9% of all COVID-19 deaths, although we are just 18.5% of the overall U.S. population.
Death Toll Rising
There are 22,226 known cases of Latinxs who have lost their lives to COVID-19. We account for over one-third of cases and rising.
We Need Relief
Half of Latino households have taken a pay cut or lost a job. 47% are experiencing food insecurity.
This is a public health and economic crisis of epic proportions.
At no time in our generation have the failures of the current system been so exposed at such a mass scale as they are now. So too have the most essential parts of our society been made visible. From our gente – often considered low-skilled, invisible, and exploitable – being on the frontlines of this pandemic to a widespread recognition that government has a critical role to play in our collective buenvivir, we literally need each other to survive.
Although our lives are irrevocably changed – and especially because of our new shared reality – we continue to believe in the power of mass organizing and protest, to find new tactics and means to show people power. Let’s get through this by continuing to organize for a world that honors our interdependence. There’s no going back to “normal.” We know from history that moments of crisis are moments for transformation. We are living in those times, gente. Let’s make bold demands and let’s put into practice our politics of liberation.
Help share this info on social media #PuebloPrimero
Download the report and organize for a #PuebloPrimero response to Covid-19

Mijente and LCLAA published a report detailing the effects of this pandemic on our Latinx community.
We know we’re particularly vulnerable to this crisis. Latinx people are the overwhelming majority of low-wage job earners. We have some of the most dangerous jobs, subject to the highest workplace fatalities. We’re considered “essential workers,” holding jobs in farmwork and grocery stores that are keeping the country running, but have the lowest healthcare coverage in the country. Now, we are also dying at the highest rates.
We need to organize now. Understanding these impacts is the first step.
With this report, we’re also demanding a #PuebloPrimero or people-first response to the crisis. Our demands are listed below. Sign up, get involved, and help us mobilize.
#PuebloPrimero Demands
1. Cancel and forgo rent and mortgage payments *No exceptions
2. Cancel All Evictions *No exceptions
3. Provide universal income regardless of immigration status and ensure access to nutritional food for everyone.
4. Medicare for all that covers undocumented people and provides access to free reproductive health care services
5. Moratorium on deportations. Cease all surveillance and any ICE enforcement; including the assignment of ankle monitors
6. Immediate release of federal prisoners and people in detention centers by releasing individuals on their own recognisance. Include funding for non-governmental organizations that can provide post release services.
7. Immediate pathway to citizenship for all immigrant people. Those with any temporary status such as DACA, TPS, and all undocumented immigrants.
8. Cancel the Puerto Rico debt. We demand full parity on health and economic federal support. Immediate delivery of more test kits and ventilators.
9. Cancel all student debt. Including debt incurred by undocumented students, DACA, TPS, any holder of temporary immigration status.
10. Create a federal taskforce that ensures that every eligible voter is able to register and cast their vote safely and easily and that every vote is counted.
Take Action
Demand Safe Schools
Parents, Teachers, and Communities are coming together to demand safe, healthy, equitable schools. Learn more at
Even in a global pandemic, our people continue to be held in jails, detention centers, and prisons with no health or safety precautions.
Launch a Campaign
Take action to demand justice and relief for our communities by launching a petition at